Monday 19 July 2010

Trevor's update on wiki.stat

Well the World Cup is over we can finally talk about something else other than football - although I must say it was wonderful to see the progress Africa has made in organising such a marvellous tournament. Thanks for that South Africa. And while we were all watching Italy, France and England self-destruct there has been a great deal of activity in the wiki.stat data warehouse. As you of course remember from technical updates #1 to #4 wiki.stat is the online database where we are uploading the datasets that you have been sending us to provide a unique repository of progress-related statistical data. In the last two months the warehouse has grown to cover themes ranging from Biodiversity to Social Welfare, Physical and Mental health to Freedom of Speech, Education to World Peace….I could go on but I won’t because it would take me too long to type it and you should just go and see it for yourself if you haven’t already.

And there is more data coming. Much more.

So go here and check it out for yourselves – and please get back to us with feedback and suggestions for other data that you know about that you think could find a home there.


(find out more about the background of wikiprogress.stat here)

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